The (BBFC) British Board of Film Classification is an independant, non governmental body, that has been classifying cinema films since 1912, and has been setting guidelines for video work. The BBFC watches and classifys films and videoworks, making sure they stick to the quidelines which they have also set up as they feel some things may be unsuitable or inappropriate for certain age groups.
'U' has to make sure it is suitable for age four and over. It has to be set with a positive moral, and ensure that all violence, threat or horror, is counterbalanced. Any discrimination or discriminative behavior is not allowed. No references to any drugs are allowed, and it must contain a anti-drug message towards to target audience. There should be mild scary scenes which are short and the outcome must be reassuring. No behaviour which children may be tempted to copy is permitted. There must be only occasional nudity, with no sexual contact,if any it should be very mild eg. kissing, holding hands, and if needed there should only be references to making love. Its essential that only very mild bad language is used.
'PG' is known for being viewed but some scenes may be unsuitable for young children. A 'PG' should not discomfort or cause any disturbance to any children ages 8 or younger. Although parents are advised that if they feel that any of the content may be unsuitable for their child. Discriminative language or behaviour is extremely unlikely to be unacceptable unless its for an educational purposes. References to illegal drugs or drug misuse must also carry a positive message about anti-drugs. Scary or frightening scenes but be short and not intense. There must not be any potential bad behaviour that children may be likely to copy. There should only be mild bad language, and natural nudity, containing no sexual context, sexual contact may be implied making sure its only moderate, and infrequent. Must contain very moderate violence, without any detail, and no infliction on pain or injury.
'12A'/'12' is a category which is only been made for cinema films. No one younger then 12 is legally allowed to see a '12A' film unless accompanied by an adult. Both '12' and '12A' are classified with the same criteria, which in general is suitable for ages 12 and above. No child that is younger then 12 may but rent or watch a '12' rated video work. The Guidelines make sure that only moderate language is allowed, and any need of the use of strong language must be rarely used. Also any dicrimminative language or behaviour is not accepted unless it is clearly commended. There must also be infrequent misuse of drugs, and physical and psychological threat may be permitted as long as it is kept sustained. Sexual contact must be brief and dicsreet, and nudity is allowed. Sexual activity must be discreet and very briefly portayed within a scene. Sexual refrences must be mild and only what teenagersare suitable for. Only moderate violence allowed, with no real emphasis of, blood, and sexual violence.

'15' no one younger then 15 is allowed to watch, rent or buy a '15' rated video work. The video work must not contain any discrimminatory behaviour or language. Any dangerous behavioir should not have detail that may be copied, and can not endorse any behaviour such as, hanging, suicide, selfharming etc. Only frequent use of bad language, the occasional stronger language may only be allowed if justified by the context, and if repeated its not suitable for a '15'. Nudity is only allowed without any strong detail to sexual context, unless its educational purposes. Sexual activity is allowed to be shown without any real strong detail. Works where the purpose of sexual stimulation or arousal in generally unacceptable. No theme is endorsed unless is appropriate for 15 year olds. Violence should not dwell on the infliction of serious injury or pain, and the stonger images like gore are unlikely to be acceptable.
'18' is only suitable for adults and no one younger than 18 is allowed to see a '18' in a cinema, and they are not allowed to rent or buy any 18' rated video works. Due to the Human Rights Acts 1998 at age 18, the BBFCs quidelines state that adults are free to have thier own opinion on the entertainment they view, althought the BBFC feels that the guideline concerns shouldnt normally override the principle. Exceptions are allowed like, sexual activity images may be allowed, and containing images of real sex, sexual explicit images, and very stong sexual images must be made to 'R18' the content thats unsuitable for 'R18' is also unacceptable for '18'.
'R18' is a special classification mainly because they are only shown to adults in specially licensed cinemas, or supplied in licensed sex shops. No material which is in breach of the law is allowed, and any sexual activity which can encourage abusive sexual behaviour is to be endorsed. Which could incluse adults role-playing as not being adults, also any sexual activity which involves having no consent is not allowed, and any infliction of pain or phyical harm, is forbidden.
These guidelines apply for trailers and advertisements, too. There must not be any adverts or trailers shown in a viewing which aren't suitable for the movie being shown. Although the content in the trailer is suitable for the classified film, it will encourage the audience to watch it (the trailer's purpose), however they will not be able to see it. This is unprofessional.
From looking at these guidelines, we are going to classify our thriller project as a 15 because violence will be roughly used, and strong language will occur in parts. Nudity will be used to a low level, but overall themes have forced us to lift our cerdificate to a 15. If we included the slightest more violence or nudity, it would be pushed to an 18, but we feel that this is not the case.
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