Our thriller project conforms to the 15 classification meaning that no-one under the age of 15 can view it, because it may be found inappropriate to these people. We feel that our target audience 15-35 allows both the appropriate teenagers and the older generation to enjoy our film. However, if anyone above the age of 35 wanted to watch it, there are no restrictions that they can not, we just feel that 25-35 year olds would enjoy it the most. Most students and university graduates enjoy the experience of watching thriller films, especially if they have the 'scary' and realistic aspects within it. The majority of 25-35 year olds are employed and may have children, so they might like to go out once in a while and see films at cinemas, which we feel would be an attractive film for them to view.
Our product would be enjoyed by our target audience mainly because of its genre. Because of our strong insperations from existing crime thrillers, we have aimed to make it similar to other professional thrillers like Se7en, as we know that films like this, and the ones we researched about, have been popular with 15-35 year olds. This is why we have aimed to produce our project similar to these, but with our own unique twist, to help us find an appropriate target audience and ensure that they will enjoy it and be pleased that they chose to watch it over the other several thrillers which will be shown at cinemas around the same time!
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