Friday, 18 February 2011

Mark Scheme

We feel that within the research and planning section, we are at a level 3 (12-15 marks).

The level 3 criteria for this section is that:
- There is proficient research into similar products and potential target audience.
- There is proficient organisation of actors, locations, costumers or props.
- There is proficient work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding.
- There is a good level of care in the presentation of the research and planning.
- Time management is good.

We feel that we are at this level because we have done in-depth research into similar films and their opening sequences, looking into their codes and conventions, as well as everything that is important to us as a group, such as the titles and their colours and fonts. After doing this, we decided on our favourite thriller opening sequence (Se7en) and used it as inspiration. This has shown that we have done proficient research into similar products. As well as this, we looked into target audiences and certifications, and which would be the more appropriate for our project. We also developed this research further by including the interests and lifestyle of our potential audience.
Alongside this, we thought that our work on shotlists, drafting, scripting and storyboarding was done to a reasonably good standard.
Rounding these two points together, we have tried our best to ensure that the level of care in the presentation of the research and planning stages were up to an excellent level, by using appropriate images in the appropriate places and using different types of text where needed to give the people reading our blog to understand it easier and to be able to relate to it better.
The weakest points in this level of criteria for us was the organisation and the time management. Although these were not done to level 2, we feel that these points have stopped us getting to level 4.

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